
AEDA's core groups offer an Intensive Outpatient Aftercare Program that identifies treatment stages and goals towards substance abuse recovery. AEDA approaches each case with an innovative methodology its “Matrix” that focuses on illuminating underlying issues of grief, abandonment and abuse that contribute to the substance of abuse disorder. AEDA uses spirituality to inspire positive lifestyle changes through a forgiveness and healing process from beginning to end to establish an authenticate and solid foundation toward the journey of substance abuse misuse recovery.

AEDA services generally involves some combination of group and individual substance abuse therapy, relapse prevention education  Sober living housing post addiction counseling therapeutic support in order to maintain long-term sobriety.

AEDA Associates is a modern and empowering approach to addiction treatment. We believe addiction is a curable disease. It can be overcome through dealing with underling issues. of grief, Abuse, abandonment, Low self esteem and more. Our program incorporate the 12 Steps with innovative coping skills techniques providing the skills and tools to our clients so that they can more effectively manage their own lives. Clients learn to enjoy life without the need for drugs or alcohol.


AEDA innovative methodology used to work with Department of Corrections (DOC) and Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)

AEDA uses the 12 Sessions Curriculum of the required psycho/educational topics by DOC and along with the DOC required self-help groups (AA/NA). An ASAP 16 week Sessions Curriculum along with self-help groups (AA/NA). AEDA using an innovative methodology that focuses on the underlying issues of grief, abandonment, anger, abuse and low self-esteem.

AEDA by emphasizing the suffering from substance abuse to achieve immediate and long-term recovery, where he was able to guide the conversion of what brought you to substance abuse treatment. Meaning what consequences or lifestyle stressors and events needed to acquire accepting ownership of the behavior due to substance misuse. Through instructing the client to do the research of each week psycho/educational topics themselves and with each client teaching their peers on what they had learned about the psycho/educational topic. Which open the clients mind to why they were here in the system of DOC and ASAP and how live had become unmanageable. The interment of the Steps 1-3 using self-discloser while being honest with self and the realization of their responsibility for the substance abuse behavior.

AEDA also inserts self-inventory to the required Session Curriculums that explores defense mechanism that lead toward resentment as self-centered fear becomes false evidence appearing real expresses hope to forgiveness of self and others that would impeded such processes. That substance abuse behavior displayed humiliation leads to humility of being powerless, and the willingness to admit that life has become out of control.

AEDA at the end of the Sessions Curriculum demonstrated this processes to the PO’s whom the referred the client to outpatient treatment. This was evidence by their clients teaching what they had learned while attending this group substance abuse process at time of completions to their peers and their PO’s.
